Trump is the culture of the New York City
NYC represents American culture
See a letter from President Trump:

Call for Participation
Shipbuilding industry of the USA and countries of the world is a stabilizing global institution in a position to say NO to the statics of processes
It IS a process of dynamic collaboration in 4 directions:
I. The Trump informational shipbuilding center.
II. The Trump academic shipbuilding center.
III. The Trump shipbuilding center for social systems.
IV. The Trump architectural shipbuilding center.
Your textology, your system-dynamic map formed / presented / created through the fundamental postulates of building any society:
1. Reservation1
2. Rehabilitation2 or
3. Fiction3 – building communism.
A negative feature that gives an opportunity to see the dynamics of your process as a stabilizing state of life in the USA (shipbuilding industry) is treated in this paper through the concept of prostitution explicated by the philosopher V.V. Rozanov or proposed by the philosopher Gershenzon (read the short paper: Ivanov, Gershenzon Correspondence between two corners4).
Prostitution is a deviation from the norms that are legal within society.
Prostitution: a short understanding of this subject is outlined by Rozanov. Let us take one of his theses.
Each phenomenon has its own physics and metaphysics. Physics, this is the appearance by which we know its “today” and “for us”, and, finally, that environment, the circumstances in which it exists and grows. In regard to botany, this, for example, is “the view of our garden” and “soil of the ground,” on which the garden is growing. But it goes without saying that apart from the “photograph of the garden” and the “soil” there is something else in botany: the structure of the flower and leaf, the pollination of plants, their stamens and pistils, breathing through the leaf, feeding through the root. Soil merely serves all this; all this cannot be rendered, cannot be expressed in the “photograph of the garden”. In botany, this division into outer and inner is so clear. But it exists everywhere, it exists also in social and historical phenomena.. Everywhere there is a “situation” and hidden behind it “the essence of the matter”. In the phenomenon of “prostitution”, to “struggle” against which the First All-Russian Congress came out, there is also this physics of evil and its metaphysics. We should not confuse them; should not do so even for very practical reasons: to succeed, to vanquish or limit it.
“Appearance” … well, this is what we all know: that an indefinite, vacillating contingent of girls “give themselves to this” and that they are “visited”, “used,” simply as goods, with appalling brevity, soullessness and superficiality of the relationship.“He came, bought and took the thing,” “she came, offered, received money.” From this basic element, its details develop: “houses” and “cottage industry” for singles; finally, international bargaining, formation and conditions of the internal “market”.On this actual physics medicine, statistics, police work, it is described by novels, stories, essays. But all this is obviously physics and physics …”Carry the plant from place to place,” “clip it,” “cover it, uncover it,” “if it gets sick, cure, or let it wither“. And so on.
Just physics.
Where is its metaphysics? Let us be clearer: where is that common ground, spiritual soil, that idea ruling in minds and minds, whose presence …
V.V. Rozanov
Physics and metaphysics of prostitution
(To the 1 st all-Russian congress of the struggle against prostitution)
Russian word. 1910. 24 Apr. No. 93.
NO curfew in areas of American cities (Vernon5, court comments: a curfew is unconstitutional)
NO curfew in the shipbuilding industry of the USA
Your participation through formats
- a text in the style of dynamic interpretation of the existing situation
- a system-dynamic map with the transcription on the introduction The world of technology, the world of information, the world in social systems forming the world of architecture. Your proposals for a formation of a shipbuilding world with a transition proposals towards a world of architecture are very important now for the state of the country’s culture. Trump, President Trump is a new discovery in the shipbuilding industry of the American world.
Be free in interpreting postulates with negative formations. Form your postulates and enter your new negative line for your active participation as a shipbuilding engineer, as a shipbuilding manager, as a shipbuilding worker, as the designer and shipbuilder in the world, President Trump.
Send your input to SCHWIPAR Centre for Innovational Development for section I-IV using our contact form
System-dynamics map “Center of the world civilization”
The map has been set to state governors
- Massachusetts on December 1, 2015
- New Hampshire on November 25, 2015
- New York on December 3, 2015
- Ohio on December 1, 2015
Comments from these representatives of the world civilization are in the process of expectation.
Offer your comments
11. the action of reserving something
2. a qualification to an expression of agreement or approval; a doubt [from the on-line dictionary]
2The action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness [from the on-line dictionary]
3A belief or statement that is false, but that is often held to be true because it is expedient to do so. “the notion of that country being a democracy is a polite fiction” [from the on-line dictionary]
4Published in 1921
5Years After Vernon Curfew Tossed, Manchester Official Revisits It
More than 15 years after a curfew was ruled unconstitutional in Vernon, a member of Manchester’s board of directors is calling for one.
By Chris Dehnel, Patch Staff | Jun 21, 2018 1:22 pm ET
VERNON/MANCHESTER, CT — Fifteen years and two months after a curfew was ruled unconstitutional in Vernon, a member of Manchester’s board of directors was calling for one in her town to combat a rash of vehicular break-ins., accessed on June 22, 2018
World Quality Center for Naval Ships in Ukraine:
“… one can see that a process of pathological conditions in the shipbuilding industry has been activated. It introduced a discomfort into the balance of interests between the industry upper management representatives and the Customer. It also led to the effect of violation time line discipline and formation of a strong foundation for formation of deficiencies to obtain additional funding on the regular basis.
Pathological changes on the genetic basis since Liberty ships have been initiatively organized by the shipbuilding industry upper management. Building of administrative structure on strong effects of submission (agency conflict) excluded a process of development of patents. American shipbuilding at its beginning stage (the late 1800’s and early 1900’s) claimed itself to the whole world through submarine production at the level of patents. At the present time the product is produced in the pathological conditions (see above). The main vehicle for communication with the Customer are the shipbuilding company cookbooks. Adaptation of standards developed by the Customer (the Navy) is not not commensurable to the product production period time (effect of preserving cookbooks). Patents are ignored (effect of preserving cookbooks by the industry representatives of the agency conflict). Cookbook format resulted into a large number of quality deficiencies. Establishing information and academic centers in each state that has shipbuilding companies is a need. Issues formed by the industry will be transitioned by these centers into academic institutions that will address them with a positive effect for the taxpayers.
Congressman J. Courtney shaped the direction. Human factor (company’s human capital), quality, and shipbuilding industry is a need for our country. SCHWIPAR Centre for Innovational Development initiatively formed information center and academic center in its institutions with the purpose to perform work for achieving this goal.”
(from SCHWIPAR Centre for Innovational Development letter to Claire Leonardi, Chief Executive Officer, Connecticut Innovations; Governor Dannel P. Malloy; Susan Herbst, President of University of Connecticut; US Congressman Joe Courtney; US Senator Richard Blumenthal;US Senator Chris Murphy; US Senator Tim Kaine; US Senator Mark Warner; Helene Anderson, DASN(RDTE) CHSENG, Director of Systems Engineering, Office of The Honorable Sean J. Stackley, Assistant Secretary of the Navy; State Senator Kevin Witkos dated May 28, 2014)
Goals and objectives
The purpose of Information Center – issues formed by the industry in the spectrum of management analysis projects, the technologies, preparation of recommendations and implementation of modern quality technology and quality products for the shipbuilding industry (non-commercial sector) to materialize and form for development of strategic concept through adaptation by the academic institutions.
This strategic development is necessary to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, quality and safety of the development and production of shipbuilding industry product and industry future innovative achievements.
Strategic concepts are developed in the context of the following key words:
• quality predictability as epilogue
• Quality Predictability = Quality Uncertainty + Quality Perception
• human factor in a context of submission, genetics. Pathological processes that had place up to the present time in the quality concepts. Formation of quality genome as a strong structure of company’s management is a goal of this work. Formation of quality genome will provide an opportunity to use taxpayer’s money with the effects of quality genome postulate part:
“Award for …” remains in the company fund (the Researcher proposes to consider it through the Centre for Innovational Development (research work by a company employee)). The recipient disposes of that money for investment within the company, and if it yields economic benefits, then 20% of the yield goes to the investor/award recipient” (from a postulate part of the quality genome environment, total of five postulates).
One should understand that “the award” along with its direct meaning has also another meaning. Where the society is a sponsor (taxpayer’s money as modificational connection of the society with the industry).